Statuts en français
Article I
An Association is founded by those adhering to the following articles.
It is regulated according to the French law dated July 1, 1901 and to the Order dated August 16, 1901.
The name of the Association is Organisation mondiale d'Etudes Spécialisées pour les maladies de l'Oesophage, World Organization for Specialized Studies on Diseases of the Esophagus, hereinafter called OESO.
Article II
Head Office
The Head Office is located in Paris (France).
The location of the Head Office is: 2 boulevard Pershing - 75017 Paris (France).
Article III
Article IV
Special provisions
Section 1: OESO is a not-for-profit organization.
The resources of OESO comprise the membership dues, subsidies and donations granted to the organization, capital inflow from excess of revenue over expenditures in the annual budget or from performance of services, and income derived from publication of scientific material.
The private property of the members and employees shall not be subject to the payment of corporate debts to any extent whatsoever.
Section 2: The Association is established for a period of 99 years from the day of its founding.
Section 3: The day to day scientific management will be entrusted to a Permanent Scientific Committee comprising representatives from various disciplines relating to esophagology.
OESO shall vest its general management in a Board of Trustees and in Officers, all coming from the Permanent Scientific Committee.
The composition, authority, and manner of selecting the Board of Trustees and the Permanent Scientific Committee shall be specified in the Bylaws.
Section 4: A Representation of OESO shall be set up in the five continents, having the capacity after approval of the Board of Trustees, to implement the aims of OESO (Article III) in accordance with the laws in force in the countries concerned, and to collect grants or donations intended for its own activities, as well as to those of OESO.
Section 5: Upon termination, dissolution, or winding up of OESO, any assets that remain after payment or provision for payment of all its liabilities, debts, and obligations shall be distributed by the Board of Trustees only to one or more charitable, educational, scientific, or philanthropic organizations.
Under no circumstances shall any assets be distributed to any member of OESO.
Section 6: The Bylaws may be amended as provided therein.
Section 7: A Statutory Auditor, appointed for a three-year renewable period by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Board of Trustees, will be in charge of auditing the accounts.
Article V
OESO shall consist of Active and Honorary members.
The rights, powers, and other conditions of membership shall be as stated in the Bylaws.
Article VI
General Assembly
OESO shall have a General Assembly once each year. It will assemble the members to hear reports on OESO activities, to elect members of the Board of Trustees, to appoint the Statutory Auditor, to amend this document, and to take other action as may be authorized pursuant to the Bylaws.
Article VII
This Constitution may be amended by vote of the members.
Every proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees at least 60 days before the annual Meeting over the signature of at least five Members for consideration and recommendation by the Board before submission of the amendment to the members.
Notice of any such amendment, together with the Board's recommendation, shall be mailed to each member of OESO at least 30 days before the annual meeting.
To be adopted, an amendment must be approved by at least three-fourths of the Members voting or represented at the General Assembly.
OESO Head Office
2, Bd Pershing
75017 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15
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