
Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)

Jie He (China)

Michio Hongo (Japan)


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Pre-Congress Session IV

Saturday, September 2
3:00 – 5:00 pm

Room 3



Histology Training course – In vivo Histo-pathology

OESO Histology Tutorial

Chair: Henry Appelman (USA)


Detailed discussion on normal and common reaction patterns to injury limited coverage of specific diseases.
These are really difficult topics which will require extensive literature search or review of personal case material.


  • Embryologic development of the esophagus: Xucheng Zhang (USA)

                - How does the esophagus evolve to the normal human adult structure?

  • Animal esophagi. Henry Appelman (USA)

                - How do esophagi in different animals compare to the human esophagus?

                - If there are differences, why are they different?

  • The squamous epithelium. Deepa T. Patil (USA):

                - Why do we have a squamous lining in our esophagus?

                - Is there a set of common reactions to injury that occur as a result of several different stimuli and,

                  if so, what do these stimuli have in common?

  • The lamina propria and muscularis mucosae. Robert D. Odze (USA):

                - Are there normal variations in the architecture of these layers?

                - The textbooks and the literature virtually completely ignore these two layers.

                - Is there some reference material that will help us to find out what happens to them in different diseases?

  • The submucosa. Lei Zhao (USA):

                - What is the purpose of this layer?

                - Does it have the same structure as the submucosa of the rest of the GI tract?

                - Does it respond to injury in specific ways?

  • The muscularis propria. Mikhail Lisovsky (USA):

                - How can we distinguish between duplicated muscularis mucosa and muscularis propria in endoscopic

                   mucosal resections?

                - Are there specific diseases that target this layer?

  • The nerve supply. Maha Guindi (USA):

                - Why is there no Meissner’s submucosal plexus, only a Henle’s plexus?

                - What role do the interstitial cells of Cajal play in the function of the myenteric plexus?

                - What are the diseases that damage the nerves and what causes them?

  • The vascular and lymphatic supply. Robert H. Riddell (Canada):

                - Why are there so many lymphatics in the lamina propria when no absorption occurs in the esophagus?

                - Are there any diseases that lead to vascular and lymphatic alterations?

                - Does ischemic injury ever involve the esophagus?

  • The inlet patch. Andrew M. Bellizzi (USA):

                - Is it a metaplasia or a normal variant?

                - How common is it?

                - Does it have normal anatomic variations or are all patches the same?

                - Does it need to be biopsied?

                - Is it subject to any diseases?

                - Does it have any relationship to Barrett’s mucosa?

  • The submucosal glands and their ducts and the cardiac glands. Rhonda K. Yantiss (USA):

                - What are the purposes of these glands; i.e. why do we need them?

                - What is their distribution normally?

                - What cell types are normal and what types are abnormal?

                - What diseases affect these structures?

  • The distal esophagus. ILke Nalbantoglu (USA):

                - Does the gastroesophageal junction have a specific site?

                - What is the specific anatomic location of the lower esophageal sphincter?





In vivo Histo-Pathology. Satish K. Singh (USA)







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