
Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)

Jie He (China)

Michio Hongo (Japan)


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Session 10


Sunday, September 3
10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Room 15, Level -1



Oral presentations (2): Basic Sciences

Chair: Rupert Langer (Switzerland)


Physiology & Biomechanics


013 Reflux of duodenal content develop esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

Hashimoto Naoki

Kindai University, Japan


014 Effect of bile acid and pancreatic juice in reflux esophagitis after total gastrectomy in rat mode.

Hashimoto Naoki

Kindai University, Japan


015 Oesophageal biomechanics revisited: a tale of tenacity, anastomoses, traction techniques and suture bite lengths in a swine model.

Christina Oetzmann von Sochaczewski1; Evangelos Tagkalos2; Andreas Lindner3; Axel Heimann4;

Hauke Lang5; Oliver Muensterer3

1) University Medicine Mainz, Germany; 2) Department of General-, Visceral- and Transplant Surgery, Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Germany; 3) Department of Pediatric Surgery, Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Fachbereich Medizin der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany; 4) Institute of Neurosurgical Pathophysiology, Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Fachbereich Medizin der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany; 5) Department of General-, Visceral- and Transplant Surgery, Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Fachbereich Medizin der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany


016 Upper esophageal sphincter tonus changes during postural maneuvers.

Petr Bitnar1; Jan Štovíček2; Štěpán Hlava2; Alena Kobesová3; Pavel Kolář3

1) Faculty of Medicine Motol, Charles University Prague; University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Rep; 2) University hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Rep; 3) The Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep.





017 Immune signature profiling identified predictive and prognostic factors for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

Yuan Li; Zhiliang Lu; Yun Che; Jingnan Wang; Zhaoli Chen; Jie He

National Cancer Center, China


018 Tumor-associated B cells and humoral immune response in esophago-gastric adenocarcinoma.

Hans Schlösser1; M. Thelen2; A. Lechner2; K. Wennhold2; M. Garcia-Marquez2; H. Alakus3; P. Plum3

1) University of Cologne, Germany; 2) Uniklinik Köln, Cologne Interventional Immunology, Köln, Deutschland, Germany; 3) Department of General, Visceral and Cancer Surgery, University of Cologne, Germany


019 Safety, efficacy and biomarkers of SHR-1210, an anti-PD-1 antibody, for patients with advanced, refractory esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

Jing Huang1; Binghe Xu1; Hongnan Mo1; Xuelian Chen1; Qing Yang2; Yuchen Jiao1

1) Cancer Institute & Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China; 2) Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd., China



Molecular Biology


020 MiR-424 promotes cell cycle progression of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas via targeting PRKCD and WEE1.

Jing Wen; Xiuying Xie; Jianhua Fu

Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, China


021 Longitudinal study of esophageal mucosal damage after esophagectomy: relationship between reflux-related mucosal injury and Notch signaling.

Yong Yuan; Long-Qi Chen

West China Hospital of Sichuan University, China


022 A selective small molecule inhibitor of c-Met Kinase, BPI-9016M, has synergistic effects with radiation on esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

Yaping Xu; Chenxue Jiang; Shuiyun Han; Gang Lin; Jianguo Feng

Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, China





023 Evaluation of lymph node metastasis in endoscopically and surgically resected superficial Barrett’s carcinomas.

Junko Aida1; Naoko Inoshita2; Akiko Takahashi3; Manabu Takeuchi4; Yuka Kowazaki5; Kaiyo Takubo1

1) Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Japan; 2) Toranomon Hospital, Japan; 3) Saku Center Hospital Advanced Care Center, Japan; 4) Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital, Japan; 5) Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital, Japan


024 Lymphocytic Esophagitis: clinical and pathologic description.

Elizabeth Arslanian1; Geneviève Soucy1; Dane Christina Daoud1; Amélie Therrien1; Mickael Bouin2

1) Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Canada; 2) Centre de recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Canada


025 Periesophageal tumor deposits: its role in TNM staging and prognosis for esophageal carcinoma.

Long-Qi Chen; Qi-Xin Shang; Yong Yuan; Yu-Shang Yang

West China Hospital of Sichuan University, China


026 c-Met in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: an independent prognostic factor and potential therapeutic target.

Chenxue Jiang; Gang Lin; Shuiyun Han; Xiang Zhu; Qingren Lin; Yaping Xu

Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, China



Radiology & Endosonography


027 The predictive value of 18F-FDG PET/CT at baseline in long-term outcome for resectable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

Xiaozheng Kang; He-Li Yang; Hao Fu; Yong-Bo Yang; Fei Wang; Ke-Neng Chen; Liang Dai

Peking University Cancer Hospital, China


028 Cervical ultrasonography has no additional value over negative PET/CT scanning for diagnosing cervical lymph node metastases in patients with esophageal cancer.

Lucas Goense

University Medical Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands


029 A Comparative study of MDCT, MRI, FDG PET and diagnostic laparoscopy in assessing gastro esophageal junction adenocarcinoma.

Rajendran Vellaisamy1; Chandramohan Servarayan Murugesan2; Kannan Devy Gounder2

1) Institute of Surgical Gastroenterology, Center of Excellence in upper GI surgery, Madras Medical College/ESOINDIA, India; 2) ESOINDIA, India


030 Diagnostic value of intraoperative ultrasonography in assessing thoracic recurrent laryngeal nerve lymph nodes in patients with esophageal cancer.

Hong Yang1; Jianwei Wang2; Min Liu2; Jingxian Shen2; Haichao Ouyang2; Anhua Li2

1) Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangdong Esophageal Cancer Institute, China; 2) Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, China









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