Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)
Jie He (China)
Michio Hongo (Japan)
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Session 30
Monday, September 4
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Room 3
Complications of esophagectomy (Part 1)
Chairs: Andrew C. Chang (USA) – Navtej S. Buttar (USA)
Discussants: Wen-tao Fang (China) – Denis Collet (France)
- Physiopathology of post-operative pulmonary complications. Jun-Feng Liu (China)
- Effective ways of prevention for leakages after esophagectomy. Ke-neng Chen (China)
- Does ischemic pre-conditioning prevent anastomotic leak?
- Early detection. Lucas Goense (Netherlands)
- What is the role of early endoscopy in detection of anastomotic leakage? Denis Collet (France)
- How to identify Ischemia of transposed stomach early? Peter C. Wu (USA)
- Is a cervical anastomosis safer than an intrathoracic? Mark Schiesser (Switzerland)
- How to proper diagnose a cervical leakage? Enrique D. Pirchi (Argentina)
- What is the state of the art management of cervical leakage? Ines Gockel (Germany)
- How to avoid leakage in cervical esophago-gastro-anastomosis? Philippe Nafteux (Belgium)
- How to proper diagnose a intrathoracic leakage? Seung Chon (Germany)
- Diagnosis and treatment of tracheoesophageal fistula after VATS esophagectomies.
Wen-tao Fang (China)
- Stent placement for endoscopic management of leaks after esophagectomy. Khean-li Goh (Malaysia)
- Sponge treatment for leakage of intrathoracic anastomosis – first choice? Peter Grimminger (Germany)
- How should intrathoracic anastomotic leak be managed – operation or otherwise?
S.M. Chandramohan (India)
- Acceptable frequency, options and best strategy to treat chylothorax?
Annelies Schnider Preisig (Switzerland)
- What are the Indications of per-cutaneous treatment of chylothorax? Bernard Meunier (France)
- Video presentation: repair of tracheo-esophageal fistula by skin perforator flap pedicle.
Bernard Meunier (France)