Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)
Jie He (China)
Michio Hongo (Japan)
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Session 36
Monday, September 4
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Room 3
Complications of esophagectomy (Part 2)
Chairs: Paul M. Schneider (Switzerland) – Mark J. Krasna (USA)
Discussants: Rubens A. Sallum (Brazil) – Philippe Nafteux (Belgium)
- Stem cell biological plugs to manage surgical leaks. Navtej Buttar (USA)
- What is the role of reoperation for intrathoracic leakage? Dietmar Lorenz (Germany)
- Are cervical strictures easier to manage than thoracic? Farhhod Farjah (USA)
- Is MIE a risk factor for enterothorax and what is the best strategy to prevent it? Jari Rasanen (Finland)
- What is the evidence that MIE lowers complication rates compared to open procedures?
Paul M. Schneider (Switzerland)
- Strictly conservative treatment for anastomotic leakage of intrathoracic anastomosis when and how?
Jun-Feng Liu (China)
- When should post-esophagectomy diaphragm hernias be repaired? Maurice Y. Francis (Brazil)
- Management of benign anastomotic strictures after esophagectomy. Vivien Wong (China)
- Evaluation and treatment of postoperative hoarseness after esophagectomy. Marcello Durazzo (Brazil)
- How to treat gastro’ esophageal reflux after esophago-gastroplasty? Bruno Zilberstein (Brazil)
- Management of patients with unsuspected positive microscopic margin after esophageal resection.
Caroline Gronnier (France)
- The Esophagectomy Complications Consensus Group (ECCG) classification of complications: a must?
Arnulf H. Hölscher (Germany)
- What is the benefit of Dindo-Clavien, Accord or CCI Classification of complications following esophagectomy? Suzanne Gisbertz (Netherlands)
- Which is the best classification system for complications following esophagectomy? Katja Ott (Germany)
- Risk adjustement models for short-term outcomes after surgical resection for esophago-gastric cancer.
Daniel Reim (Germany)
- Results of an audit on complications of esophageal surgery. Mark I. van Berge Henegouwen (Netherlands)