
Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)

Jie He (China)

Michio Hongo (Japan)


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Session 39


Monday, September 4
2:00 – 4:00 pm

Room 15



Oral presentations (4): Surgery – Part I

Chairs: Sergei Domratchev (Russia) – Flavio R. Takeda (Brazil)


048 The influence of anastomosis-caused gastric wall defect on theblood supply of gastric tube and the optimization of width of tubular stomach.

Yang Hu; Guo-Wei Che; Yong-Fan Zhao

West China Hospital, Sichuan University, China


049 Single-port versus Multi-port thoracoscopic minimally invasive esophagectomy for esophageal cancer.

Yong Yuan; Long-Qi Chen

West China Hospital of Sichuan University, China


050 Comparison of right- and left-approach esophagectomy for elderly patients with operable thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a propensity matched study.

Junying Chen; Qianwen Liu; Jianhua Fu

Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, China


051 Clinical characteristics and prognosis evaluation of patients with resectable oesophageal neuroendocrine carcinoma.

Jun Peng1; Jin-Tao He1; Longqi Chen2

1) Sichuan Cancer Hospital & Institute, Sichuan Cancer Center, School of Medicine, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China; 2) West China Hospital of Sichuan University, China


052 Character of specific postoperative complications of esophagus extirpation with simultaneous gastroplasty.

Olimjon M. Gulamov; Zayniddin Nizamkhodjaev; Ruslan Ligay; Jamshid Khadjibaev; Alexey Tsoy;
Elnar Nigmatullin

Republican Specialized Centre of Surgery named after acad. V.Vakhidov, Uzbekistan


053 Mobilization and reconstruction stages for transthoracic + laparoscopic esophagectomy for gastroesophageal junction cancer.

Sergey Domrachev1; Igor Khatkov2; Roman Izrailov2; Oleg Vasnev2; Boris Pomortsev2; Nikolai Semenov2

1) Moscow Medical and Dentistry University, Russia; 2) Moscow Clinical Scientific Center, Russia


054 T-shaped linear-stapled cervical esophagogastric anastomosis for minimally invasive esophagectomy: a pilot study.

Qifei Wu; Xinju Li; Zuoqi Jia; Yong Zhang; Guangjian Zhang; Junke Fu

The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China


055 Experience of VATS esophagectomy after preoperative chemoradiation for locally advanced esophageal cancers.

Jianhua Fu; Zihui Tan

Sun yat sen University Cancer Center, China


056 Colon interposition in gastroesophageal resections.

Kanagavel Manickavasagam1; Vellaisamy Rajendran2; Eniyan Mannargudi Eniyan3; Aditya Balaji3;

Apsara Chandramohan4; Servarayan Murugesan Chandramohan5

1) St Isabel Hospital, 49 Oliver Road, India; 2) ESOINDIA, India; 3) Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai, India; 4) Government Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai, India; 5) ESOINDIA – Center for Gastroesophageal Disorders


057 Bridging the gap after esophago gastrectomy for locally advanced type2 GE junction tumors with esophago gastrostomy or esophago jejunostomy.

Kanagavel Manickavasagam1; Balaji Singh Krishna2; Aditya Balaji2; Apsara Chandramohan3;
Sathyamoorthy Balakumaran4; Servarayan Murugesan Chandramohan4

1) St Isabel Hospital, 49 Oliver Road, India; 2) Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai, India; 3) Govt Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai, India; 4) ESOINDIA – Center for Gastroesophageal Disorders, India


058 Surgical management of complex post intubation tracheoesophageal fistula.

Rajendran Vellaisamy1; Chandramohan Servarayan Murugesan2

1) Institute of Surgical Gastroenterology, Center of Excellence in upper GI surgery, Madras Medical College/ESOINDIA, India; 2) ESOINDIA, India


059 Oral anvil-intraoperative difficulties.

Kanagavel Manickavasagam1; Aditya Balaji2; Balaji Singh Krishna2; Servarayan Murugesan Chandramohan3;

Apsara Chandramohan4

1) St Isabel Hospital, 49 Oliver Road, India; 2) Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai, India; 3) ESOINDIA – Center for Gastroesophageal Disorders, India; 4) Government Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai, India


060 Comparing the survival of Ivor-Lewis and McKeown esophagectomy for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a propensity-matched analysis.

Xiayu Fu; Peng Lin; Lanjun Zhang; Junye Wang; Jianhua Fu

Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, China








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