
Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)

Jie He (China)

Michio Hongo (Japan)


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Session 40


Monday, September 4
2:00 – 4:00 pm

Room 16



The OESO Foundation (1)


Electronic health records (eHR) for communicating and learning in
multi-disciplinary health care teams

The esophageal perspective


This year's interdisciplinary exchange between clinical and social sciences entwines around challenges related to using electronic health records (eHR) when communicating and learning in a multi-disciplinary health care team. The exchange is structured by using the esophageal perspective to derive leading questions, followed by having agents in different social spaces answer them by drawing on relevant scientific literature in their respective fields. The aim is to create a shared knowledge base on the topic ‘electronic health records’ amongst speakers and audience with different (scientific and work-related) backgrounds.


Chairs: Peter Pokieser (Austria) – Michaela Wagner-Menghin (Austria)

Welcome Note: why should oesophagus specialists participate in interdisciplinary exchange on electronic Health Records

What is (or might be) the outcome of using eHRs for clinicians and patients?

  • How does documenting patient’s data in eHR relate to clinicians’ privilege and responsibility?
    Martin Fischer (Germany)
  • How does documenting patient’s data in eHR effect the patient? Alexander Sachs (Austria)
  • Is structured reporting as introduced by eHR a benefit or a new administrative burden for doctors?                                 Daniel Pinto dos Santos (Germany)
  • How can we integrate eHR´s data in imaging apps for better diagnosis and patient management?
    Osman Ratib (Switzerland)









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