Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)
Jie He (China)
Michio Hongo (Japan)
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Session 42
Monday, September 4
4:15 – 6:15 pm
Room 3
Eosinophilic esophagitis
Chairs: Roberto Penagini (Italy) – Alain Schopfer (Switzerland)
Discussant: Eduardo V. Savarino (Italy)
- Key points of the updated diagnostic guidelines in EoE. Alain Schoepfer (Switzerland)
- PPI responsive eosinophilia or PPI responsive EoE? Roberto Penagini (Italy)
- Interplay of EoE and gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Eduardo V. Savarino (Italy)
- Can we discriminate histologically EoE from PPI-REE and GERD? Heather Dawson (Switzerland)
- What did we learn from genetic studies? Carine Blanchard, Nestlé Research center (Switzerland)
- Role of allergy testing in EoE patients. Camillo Ribi (Switzerland)
- Treatment endpoints in EoE. Alain Schoepfer (Switzerland)
- Therapeutic options in EoE. Alfredo Lucendo (Spain)
- Are biologic therapies effective in EoE? Ricardo Correa Barbuti (Brazil)
- The patient's perspective on treatments and relevant endpoints in EoE.
Ekaterina Safroneeva (Switzerland)