
Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)

Jie He (China)

Michio Hongo (Japan)


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Session 52


Tuesday, September 5
8:00 – 10:00 am

Room 16



The OESO Foundation (3)


The institutional perspective on electronic health records (eHR)


Chairs: Alexander Sachs (Austria) – Daniel Pinto dos Santos (Germany)


What might be the outcome of using eHRs for institutions?

  • What are the benefits of structured reporting on an institutional level. Elmar Kotter (Germany)
  • How can one develop a successful structure? (e.g. showing examples of successful development of a structure). Peter Pokieser (Austria)
  • How does eHR contribute in organising health care effectively? Mansoor Fatehi (Iran)
  • How does eHR contribute in organizing teaching and learning effectively? Martin Fischer (Germany)




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