Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)
Jie He (China)
Michio Hongo (Japan)
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Session 7
Sunday, September 3
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Room 3
Deglutition – Motility
Chairs: Sabine Roman (France) – Michio Hongo (Japan)
Discussant: Roberto Penagini (Italy)
- Can it be said that there is no intrinsic nervous system in the UES? Richard W. McCallum (USA)
- What is the origin of sensory information that can modify the activity of motoneurones? Ellen Stein (USA)
- Can sensory influx modify the type of swallowing response according to pharyngo-esophageal content?
Walter W. Chan (USA)
- Evaluation of swallowing techniques (Video – Fluoroscopy – HRM) and correlation.
Sutep Gonlachanvit (Thailand)
- Which is the minimal number of multiple rapid swallowing (MRS) during HRM in order to reliably assess peristaltic reserve? Roberto Penagini (Italy)
- What is the usefulness of esophageal HRM in patients with chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIIPO). Katerina P. Shetler (USA)
- The prognosis of EGJ outflow obstruction. Yinglian Xiao (China)
- Zenker's diverticulum and UES dysfunction. Ingo Herrmann (Germany)
- What is the appropriate time to initiate enteral tube feeding in deglutition function abnormalities?
Ellen Stein (USA)
- Treatment of deglutition dysfunctions: how to treat Hypertensive UES? John O. Clarke (USA)