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  • High resolution video-manometry captures the complexity of pressure-flow phenomena in swallowing in an unprecedented level of detail.
  • One consequence of this increase in data quantity and quality in that biological variation between individuals (inter-subject variation) is no longer simply a matter of understanding statistical variation in the small number of measured variables, but is rather an inherent and conspicuous feature of the data.
  • The systematic exploitation of such data on inter-subject variation has the potential to greatly improve our understanding of swallow function, at multiple biological levels.
  • I will illustrate this notion by examining patterns of intersubject variation in normal and disordered swallowing, including instances of highly deranged, or decompensated, swallowing in patients.
  • Secondly, I will demonstrate the potential for features of video-manometry data to be used for disease classification, as illustrated by the example of distinguishing dysphagia of myogenic from neurogenic origin in inflammatory myopathy.
  • Finally, the opportunities and challenges of using high resolution video-manometry data as phenotypes in the large scale genetic surveys will be briefly explored, with specific reference to gaining insight into the molecular-cell correlates of normal and disordered swallowing.

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