Other Events
NVGE Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gastroenterologie
The 2015 NASPGHAN Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course
October 7-11, 2015 – Washington USA
uegweek United European Gastroenterology, October 24-28, 2015 – Barcelona
Asian Pacific Digestive Week, December 3-6, 2015 – Taipei, Taiwan
3rd International Conference on Nutrition and Growth (N&G 2016)
15th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus
Singapore – September 19-21, 2016
Irish College of General Practitioners
International Symposium on Food & Nutrition (ISFAN) 2015 > Program
World Endoscopy Organization – ENDO 2017
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2, Bd Pershing
75017 – PARIS, France
Tel: + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15
Fax: + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 40
E-mail: michele.liegeon@oeso.org
Organizing Secretariat:
Publi Créations
74 Boulevard d'Italie
98000 MONACO
Tél: +377 97 97 35 55
Fax: +377 97 97 35 50
E-Mail: oeso2015@publicreations.com