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Session 3


Tuesday, September 1
8:00 – 10:00 am

Room: Genevoix



Endoscopic technologies

Panel clinicians  /  Selected companies

Chairs: George Triadafilopoulos (USA) – Myung-Gyu Choi (Korea)

Panel: Eduardo De Moura (Brazil) – Thomas D. Wang (USA)


Industry panel:

  • Stenting the esophagus / benign & malignant diseases. Boston Scientific
  • Magnifying endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging. Olympus
  • Fluorescence imaging. Olympus
  • Confocal laser and probe-based endomicroscopy. Mauna Kea
  • Focal ablation systems and cryotherapy. C2 Therapeutics


  • Selected firms specializing in the field of Endoscopy will be represented on stage.
  • Facing them will be clinicians, each one renowned at the highest international level.
  • First, a presentation by each representative of a firm, putting forth the qualities and nature of its devices, plus the future prospects its ongoing research leads to hope for in this domain.
  • Then, an exchange,
  • with the panel of clinicians, in the format of several, carefully drawn up questions approved beforehand by the firm,
  • with the public of potential users, made up of practitioners and young investagators,
  • completed after the congress by a document written by the panel, sent to the firms for approval, and made widely accessible on the IT media.

This interactive exchange will by no means represent a competition between firms but, on the contrary, an opportunity to put forth the advantages of their devices.


In addition, this session will take place in the framework of a moral charter which will guarantee that no firm participating will find itself facing competition from another Industry representative contributing to the exchange.

  • Each Industry representative is to clearly and objectively put forth those products suited to the debate in such a way as to enlighten the public on the current and future prospects of his/her company.
  • Each Industry representative will be requested to address questions following the presentation in a manner so as to exclude any negative reference to his/her competitor.





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