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Session 4


Tuesday, September 1
8:00 – 10:00 am

Room: Bosio



The Impact of obesity on foregut cancer

Chairs: David Nocca (France) – Jaideepraj Rao (Singapore)

Discussant: Kevin Reavis (USA)


  • Should the obese population be screened for esophageal cancer? Wen-qiang Wei (China)
  • What impact does obesity have on esophagectomy operative risk? Robert Yates (USA)
  • What are the common genetic pathways between obesity and esophageal cancer? Asad Umar (USA)
  • Does weight loss surgery reverse esophageal cancer risk? David Nocca (France)
  • Is gastric bypass contraindicated in the Asian population? Jaideepraj Rao (Singapore)


  • Is CT scan the best imaging to detect post-surgical complications in the esophagus?
    Peter Pokieser (Austria)
  • What is the incidence of severe regurgitation post lap band? Kevin Reavis (USA)
  • Electrical stimulation for reflux after sleeve gastrectomy. Alejandro Nieponice (Argentina)
  • Are endoscopic stents are the way to treat gastro-esophageal leaks? Kevin Reavis (USA)
  • Should we really stent post- surgical esophagel leaks? Jean-Christophe Valats (France)
  • What are the endoscopic treatment options for esophageal fistulas? Jong-Jae Park (Korea)


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