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Session 18


Wednesday, September 2
8:00 am – 10:00 am

Room: Camille Blanc 

The OESO White Paper


Fabien Calvo (France) – David Ilson (USA) – You-Lin Qiao (China) – Mauno Vihinen (Sweden)

 + Panel


This session is a much awaited extension of the wealth of information gathered at the 2013 Congress of OESO in Paris, under the theme of cancers of the esophagus.

The objective of the two hours is to present a translational view of the potentials existing today in the realms of epidemiology, genetics, epigenetics, and new investigations, in light of the technological advancements of recent decades now made available to clinicians and researchers.

OESO, in essence, a multi-disciplinary body, brings together renowned specialists from all horizons.

Each speaker will offer a part of his/her competence to contribute to making the session an optimistic opening onto the future.


  • The role of transcription factors in malignant transformation of basal progenitor cells.
    Xiao Luke Chen (USA)    
  • Role of hERG1 K+ channels in Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma progression.
    Annarosa Arcangeli (Italy)
  • Expression of hER1 protein in Barrett’s esophagus. Vikash Sewram (South Africa)
  • Microbiome in Barrett’s esophagus. Paolo Bechi (Italy)
  • Swallowable encapsulated sponge for early detection of esophageal adenocarcinoma using targeted sequencing. Irina Kalatskaya (Canada)
  • Role of new specific anti BMP4 antibodies as a new therapeutic approach in esophageal cancer.    
    Silvia Calpe (Netherlands)       
  • Role of Epigenetics in response to treatments. Pauline Lancia (France)
  • Interaction between p53 and response to chemotherapy. Daniela Kandioler (Austria)
  • Circulating tumor cells, circulating tumor DNA, and liquid biopsies. Georges Uzan (France) David H. Ilson (USA)
  • Endomicroscopy – relevant information, better therapeutic decision. Sacha Loiseau (France) 
  • Augmented 3D reality in endoscopic surgery. Lee L. Swanström (USA-France)     
  • Regulatory genetic variants involved in medicine. Iqbal Parker (South Africa)
  • Genomics – Mutations in pre-invasive stages of carcinogenesis. Asad Umar (USA)  
  • The HVP – OESO data base. Mauno Vihinen (Sweden)
  • The Global Alliance – Objectives of the International Consortium. Fabien Calvo (France) 


Panel Discussion



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