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Session 20


Wednesday, September 2
8:00 am – 10:00 am

Room: Poulenc      

The pediatric esophagus across the age spectrum

Problems related to esophageal atresia (EA)


Olivier Reinberg (Switzerland) – Frédéric Gottrand (France)

Discussant: Philippe Montupet (France)



  • Why do we have an EA?

 – Embryology of the esophagus. Arnaud Bonnard (France)

  • Experimental models of EA? Benoit Parmentier (France)


Surgical procedures

  • EA cure by thoracoscopy in neonates since 2000:

 – What are the benefits today? Olivier Reinberg (Switzerland)

  • The problems of long gaps:

 – How to manage them? Benoit Parmentier (France)

  • Esophageal replacements for EA? Olivier Reinberg (Switzerland)
  • How to train for EA cure by thoracoscopy in neonates

 – Thoracoscopic simulation. Laurent Fourcade (France)

  • Robotic surgery for EA in neonates: is it possible? Laurent Fourcade (France)
  • What are the other congenital begnin lesions of the pediatric esophagus? Jean Stéphane Valla (France)

Functional reconstructed esophagus

  • How do live children with an EA? Frédéric Gottrand (France)

 – Growth post EA: normal?

  • Dysmotility of the esophagus: new concepts? Olivier Reinberg (Switzerland)
  • Cajal cells of the esophagus: where are we? Piergiorgio Gamba (Italy)
  • Anti-reflux procedures post EA: problems? Jean-Yves Kurzenne (France)


Adults who survived EA

  • Complaints of adults who survived EA. Risto Rintala (Finland)
  • Barrett post EA? Is there an increased risk? Risto Rintala (Finland)




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