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Session 25


Wednesday, September 2
10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Room: Poulenc 

Pediatric Esophagus

Rachel Rosen (USA)

Discussant: Taher Omari (New Zealand)


  • What is the role of high resolution esophageal manometry in children? Samuel Nurko (USA)
  • Testing oro-pharyngeal function with HRIM. Taher Omari (Australia)
  • What is the role of the gastroenterologist in the evaluation and management of children with fundoplication? Hayat Mousa (USA)
  • How can we balance the benefits and risks of reflux therapies? Benamin D. Gold (USA)
  • Barrett’s Esophagus: Is there a concern in the pediatric population. Frédéric Gottrand (France)
  • Have we moved beyond pH probe testing? Novel diagnostic tools to diagnose extra-esophageal reflux.
    Rachel Rosen (USA)

Discussion on difficult pediatrics cases with the audience.

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