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Session 34


Thursday, September 3

8:00 – 10:00 am

Room: Bosio    

Esophageal motility measurement – A vital tool in esophageal surgery


Roger P. Tatum (USA) – C. Prakash Gyawali (USA)

Discussant: Robert Yates (USA)


  • Esophageal manometry in the workup for antireflux surgery:
  • perspective of the gastroenterologist. Sutep Gonlachanvit (Thailand)
  • and perspective of the surgeon. Edgar Figueredo (USA)
  • Use of esophageal manometry in the workup of failed fundoplication. John O. Clarke (USA)
  • High resolution manometry in achalasia—do subtypes make a difference on the outcome of surgery?                                                                                                           Roger P. Tatum (USA)
  • Does the presence of esophageal outflow obstruction on HRM impact surgical decision making?
    John O. Clarke (USA)
  • Clinical use of the Endo-FLIP device—utility in intraoperative assessment of LES myotomy and calibration of antireflux surgery. Johannes Lenglinger (Austria)
  • Which GERD patients do gastroenterologists wish surgeons would never offer operation?
  • New tools for assessment of the EGJ barrier. C. Prakash Gyawali (USA)

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