Social Program




Monday, August 31

    6:30 pm at the Grimaldi Forum – Salle Prince Pierre 


  8:15 pm Cocktail Esplanade Princesse Grace

Cocktail hosted by the Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority



On Wednesday, September 2,
the scientific sessions will end one hour earlier than the preceding days: this, to allow time for all to get ready for the Gala evening of the congress…

Gala Evening

Wednesday, September 2

Sign up today

under Social Program,

for what promises to be an enchanting evening!


On this occasion, OESO has planned a Tango contest

for all those attending…


Get your dancing shoes on !!!





©2014 OESO webdesign:


Scientific Information:

OESO Head Office

2, Bd Pershing

75017 – PARIS, France

Tel: + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15

Fax: + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 40



Organizing Secretariat:

Publi Créations

74 Boulevard d'Italie

98000 MONACO

Tél: +377 97 97 35 55

Fax: +377 97 97 35 50
