
Find the Annals of NYAS


The exceptional cooperation initiated in 2010 at the Boston Conference between OESO and the New York Academy of Sciences continues to strengthen.

The publication of the Review articles provided by the speakers in a special issue of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences allows for a lasting follow- up to the content of the Conference.

In addition, the simultaneous access to PubMed and other IT medias offered by this cooperation presents a further asset for the authors.


This cooperation is yet another concrete demonstration of the multi-disciplinary approach OESO has adopted since its founding.

2011: Barrett's Esophagus

The 10th OESO World Congress Proceedings

(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) 421 p.

R. Giuli, R. Skaker, A. Umar Eds


The New York Academy of Sciences

2013: Reflux disease: from LES to UES and beyond...

The 11th OESO World Conference

(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) 315 p.

R. Giuli, A. Umar Eds



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