All texts comprised in the OESO data base can be read with the help of a special audio-reading software developed by HON:

up of an evolutive Encyclopedia of Esophagology composed of a series of volumes published at regular intervals.


Regular updating of the texts is however the key factor behind the value of this information system.


For this purpose, in cooperation with the OESO Foundation, the HON team has developed an original software designed to:


●  make the review, and possible modifications of the texts as easy as possible for their authors,

●  identify the update to the reader by a particular icon on the site,

●  allow the reader to actually listen to the author commenting on his/her  text, and suggesting the modifications reflecting the current state of knowledge on the subject.






●  Activation of audio update


The author of an article who wishes to update his/her text first accesses it on the screen, and then activates a special update icon.




●  Use of the OESO voice recorder


The author is the presented with diagram representing all the usual functions of a tape recorder, with rewind, fast forward, erase and insertion of words or sentences at a precise point in the recording, as indicated by the position of the cursor.




The commentary is made using a microphone connected to the computer, or with the default microphone on most laptop computers. There is no time limitation for recording. Oral commentary may consist of a general assessment of the article, or author can use vocal insertion of modifications at one or more specific points in the text.


After the commentary has been added, the author has listened to it, and made any necessary changes, it will be included in the database by activating a button.


Users who connect to the updated article are informed by a special icon that the text has been updated with the date of the update. In a situation similar to that of an auditorium during a conference, users can then listen to the commentary as many times as desired, and are able to add their personal notes to the article after printout.





Developing a regular update system met an obvious need: how to maintain user interest in the scientific quality of the multi-disciplinary content of the OESO Interactive Information System.


This original OESO procedure makes it possible for authors to keep their texts up to date at their convenience, without time or geographical constraints, or the need to rewrite the text.


●  Demonstration

DEMO to listen the audio updating made by Professor Gouge for his article on causes of dysphagia following open AR surgery? This showing how easy it is to make a commentary and its potential interactive impact.






OESO‐HON original updating procedure

The OESO Encyclopedia



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