September 2014, Volume 1325: Cancers of the Esophagus

The 12th OESO World Conference

From Normal Mucosa to Tumor – Translating Knowledge into Cure

(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) 269 p.

R. Giuli, A. Umar Eds



September 2016, Volume 1380:

The Esophagiome (2 Volumes)

The 13th OESO World Conference

(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) 401 p.

Robert Giuli, Hans Gregersen Eds



2013: Reflux disease: from LES to UES and beyond…

11th OESO World Conference

(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) 315 p.

R. Giuli, A. Umar Eds


2011: Barrett's Esophagus

The 10th OESO World Congress Proceedings

(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) 421 p.

R. Giuli, R. Skaker, A. Umar Eds


The OESO Books

The OESO Encyclopedia

These books are therefore in no way the proceedings of a congress: each, in fact, is a sequence of structured scientific articles, with illustrations, tables and complete bibliographical references focused on one single question, thus offering the reader an exceptional synthesis of facts, ideas and concepts presented by many of the world's greatest experts.


Each volume is made up of approximately 400 to 1600 pages, and a kind of an evolutionary encyclopedia, entitled “OESO KNOWLEDGE INTERACTIVE INFORMATION SYSTEM” is thus progressively composed, which every three or two years covered a comprehensive chapter in an area of esophagology.


Whatever their respective field of interest, readers thus have at their disposal an exceptional source of references: opening the book at random, to any page, they find at once the detail they are looking for, the professional opinion they need, or the development of a question they have perhaps not yet asked themselves.

The titles of the preceding OESO books are:



1985: Cancers of the esophagus. Answers to 135 questions.

(Maloine) 430 p. R. Giuli Ed.





1988: Benign lesions of the esophagus and cancer.
Answers to 210 questions.

(Springer Verlag) 850 p. R. Giuli, R.W. McCallum Eds.





1991: Primary motor disorders of the esophagus.
450 questions - 450 answers.

(J. Libbey Eurotext) 1220 p.
R. Giuli, R.W. McCallum, D.B. Skinner Eds.




1994: The esophageal mucosa. 300 questions - 300 answers.

(Elsevier) 1200 p.
R. Giuli, G.N.J. Tytgat, T.R. DeMeester, J.P. Galmiche Eds.




1998: The esophago-gastric junction.
420 questions - 420 answers.

(J. Libbey Eurotext) 1620 p.
R. Giuli, J.P. Galmiche, G.G. Jamieson, C. Scarpignato Eds



2003: Barrett's esophagus.
250 questions - 250 answers.

(J. Libbey Eurotext) 850 p.
R. Giuli, J.R. Siewert, D. Couturier, C. Scarpignato Eds.




2006: The duodeno-gastro-esophageal reflux, from the duodenum to the trachea - 125 questions – 125 answers

(J. Libbey Eurotext) 532 p.
R. Giuli, C. Scarpignato, J.M. Collard, J.E. Richter Eds



2009: The Foregut, function-dysfunction.

100 questions – 100 answers

(J. Libbey Eurotext) 465 p.
R. Giuli, C. Scarpignato, C.J. Lightdale Eds












































































Publication of the scientific contents of the OESO Conferences in a special issue of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences is the result of a cooperation of particular significance.


In addition, the immediate, simultaneous access of the texts on PubMed and other indexing services offers an additional, substantial advantage to the contributors, and broadens the appeal of this publication.








December 2020, 15th Volume 1481 and 16th Volume 1482

Global Perspectives and Novel Technologies
for Esophageal Diseases

The 15th OESO World Conference

(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences)

Edited by: Robert Giuli (OESO Foundation)





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