The OESO Newsletter – September 2019
Message to the members of OESO,
and to all those who have interest in Esophagology
The 15th World Conference in Beijing
November 7-9, 2019
Global perspectives and novel technologies
for esophageal diseases
On November 7, in less than 2 months, the 15th OESO Congress will open in Beijing.
In 10 rooms operating simultaneously, this event will offer you a program of
130 sessions organized jointly by OESO and its Chinese colleagues from
6 Organizations which will represent for you a rare opportunity for networking
(National Cancer Center, China – Cancer Foundation of China – Committee of Esophageal Cancer, CACA – Committee of Endoscopy, CACA – Committee of Cancer Epidemiology, CACA – Committee of Cancer Etiology, CACA – Chinese Society for Diseases of the Esophagus).
Most of OESO's disciplines will be represented in plenary sessions on Surgery, Endoscopy, Etiology, Epidemiology, and Basic Sciences, as well as key updates in different fields, white paper summaries, debates, controversies, and Question and Answer Sessions respecting the original OESO format Program at a glance
and come to Beijing to share a stream of data in all disciplines,
gain knowledge, and return home greatly enriched.
Activities of the OESO-Stanford Platform of Excellence in Esophagology
Regional activities
Training course in Tokyo (Takeshi Ohki)
Tokyo, October 3-4, 2019 (2d)
Regenerative Medicine
Before this event, as you can also see on the OESO website, the next course will take place, organized in the framework of the OESO-Stanford SEMPIRE Platform of Excellence in Esophagology.
It will happen in Tokyo at the initiative of Professors Takeshi OHKI and Masayuki YAMATO, and will involve a small number of participants in the latest advances currently existing in the field of Regenerative Medicine.
This course promises to be of exceptional interest, given the scientific quality of the Tokyo Center and the spectacular hands on experiences it will offer on this occasion.
The program is accessible opposite.
There is still time for you to register.
R. Giuli
Deputy Executive Director of OESO
Director of the Executive Committee of the OESO Foundation
An OESO member never stops learning !
OESO will not supply your Personal Data to any third party for marketing purposes, whether directly or indirectly.
OESO Head Office
2, Bd Pershing
75017 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15
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