Platform of Excellence in Esophagology

Global perspectives for Education in Esophagology


OESO Representations

(Extracts from Bylaws)




Article III – Purposes of OESO


  1. To assemble, in any country of the world, clinicians, as well as researchers, in all disciplines dealing with the esophagus, esophagology, and esophageal disease.
  2. To initiate and coordinate joint multicenter polydisciplinary studies in the above fields, for the purposes of clinical, as well as fundamental research.
  3. To evaluate new means for investigating the esophagus and new therapeutic modalities for benign and malignant esophageal diseases or functional disorders of the esophagus.
  4. To organize congresses, courses or seminars focusing on one particular aspect of esophageal disease.
  5. To publish encyclopedic books, brochures, and scientific articles in this field.
  6. To contribute to the dissemination of knowledge by providing access to scientific information through all available means of communication, including the Internet.
  7. To thus contribute to Continuing Medical Education in the fields of esophageal physiology, esophageal dysfunction, or esophageal diseases and their treatments, medical, endoscopic, or surgical.
  8. To provide access to multidisciplinary expertise for information on diagnosis or treatment of esophageal diseases, by all available means of communication, including the Internet.
  9. To be positioned among various international Organizations such as, UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science, and Culture Organization) and WHO (World Health Organization), as a structure for in-service medical training.
  10. To cooperate with all scientific Societies, surgical or gastroenterological, in the undertaking of multicenter studies, or in the conception of educational programs.
  11. To integrate its various activities in the development of the worldwide network of the OESO Foundation (Health Operating Polydisciplinary Expertise Services), stemming from an original OESO concept.

                                                                                     Article IV – Section 4:

A Representation of OESO shall be set up in the five continents, having the capacity after approval of the Board of Trustees, to implement the aims of OESO (Article III, Purposes of OESO) in accordance with the laws in force in the countries concerned, and to collect grants or donations intended for its own activities, as well as to those of OESO.



Article VII – Representation 


OESO will strive to expand its representation in the five continents. This could lead to the establishment of an OESO Office in other cities of the world.

The representation of OESO (Constitution, Article IV, Section 4) shall be headed by a Regional Officer appointed for a three-year, renewable, term. The number of the members of each Representation shall be determined by the Regional Officer.





Chapitres de l'OESO


Multidisciplinary Platform of Esophagology


OESO Head Office

2, Bd Pershing

75017 Paris, France

Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15


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