Document de base


The Inter-University, Multidisciplinary Platform
in Esophagology


Aim: to implement, in a worldwide network of Pilot Centers of Excellence in Esophagology,

the founding principle of multi-disciplinarity OESO has nurtured since its founding.


A fundamental step for Esophagology, with an innovative multidisciplinary platform fostering the exchange of data, knowledge, expertise and best practices between global Pilot Centers of the OESO network harnessing the newest technologies available along with coordinating efforts to bring knowledge outside the network through exchange of Fellows and Trainees, conferences, training courses, and other means of Continuing Medical Education.



  • OESO is an original, multidisciplinary Organization specializing in diseases of the esophagus, and has brought together, since 1978, specialists from 19 disciplines, both clinical and fundamental, at the highest level, devoting their work to this vast area of Gastroenterology.
  • The OESO Foundation was founded in September 2001, under Swiss law, with reference to articles 80 and seq. of the Swiss Civil Code. It has been officially domiciled at the University of Geneva since May 11, 2006.


Since 1993, a special cooperation has been in action between UNESCO, OESO  and the OESO Foundation, the achievements of which have been distinguished by,


  • A Resolution, officially approved at the 30th General Conference of 1999 by the
    197 member States,
  • the award of a Chair in Tele-Medicine in 2005,
  • the award of a Chair in Digital Continuing Medical Education and Capacity building in 2017, domiciled in the Department of Cyber-Health at the University of Geneva.
  • the organization of 6 of the 14 congresses of OESO at the UNESCO Headquarters as their venue, or with the official patronage of this Institution.



The basic objective of OESO is an effective contribution to Education in the field of Health by seizing the current opportunities now available in the world of digital transformation. Its multidisciplinary activities are aimed at digital strengthening of medical-care capacities in different countries.


The contribution of OESO to the organization of health systems in different countries of the world is based on the continuation of its action to coordinate an International Multidisciplinary Inter-University Network, generating both efficiency and equity, in line with one of the missions of UNESCO.



The innovative setting up of an Inter-University, Multidisciplinary Platform of Esophagology represents the latest endeavor for OESO.

The OESO Foundation, domiciled at the University of Geneva, is the funding body of the project.

  • OESO brings together Pilot Centers of Excellence in Esophagology in the Universities belonging to its worldwide network
  • The special bridge now established between OESO and the Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE (Stanford Esophageal Multidisciplinary Program in Innovative Research Excellence) adds particular strength to the network which has already attained its first stages of completion.


The provision of a state-of-the-art training infrastructure with the application of Telematics and reinforcement of multidisciplinary courses corresponds to the goals of OESO and of the Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE.

The program will be proposed to the SFITS (Swiss Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery), a Training Center created by the University Hospitals of Geneva, including simulators and last generation robots, in addition to the integration of imaging and augmented reality.


The accelerating current turnover of technical acquisition of medical information requires an evolutionary approach of system design and of development now available, to cope with the expansion of the technologies of information without loss of performance.


This is the invaluable key to success of the OESO – Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE project, which benefits at the outset from state of the art structures allowing for efficient training on new devices, with teams committed to controlling and updating knowledge bases and equipment, in order to contribute to innovation in daily practice, and participate in a multidisciplinary network of second opinion.


  • This project is based on the application of an innovative approach to expand knowledge across
    all disciplines
    related to the upper digestive tract, and to share this knowledge in developed as
    well as in developing countries.
  • The opportunity of this project derives from the logic of applying Telematics to Healthcare,
    Continuing Medical Education and exchanges between top level experts and practitioners with
    possible access to patients, thus offering the advantages of sharing knowledge and know-how
    in the already existing and worldwide renowned scientific network of OESO.

Such objectives are in line with two guiding principles in all countries for the improvement of

medical practice as well as for the reduction of health costs:

  • the need for Continuing Medical Education,
  • the need for an accreditation system guaranteeing the quality of the knowledge acquired
  • the highest quality of clinical care.


These objectives integrate into those of OESO, the University of Stanford, the University of Geneva, and their traditions of excellence.


  • The implementation of the project will be done by the OESO Centers of Excellence in Esophagology established throughout the OESO inter-University network, to be headquartered in two eminent Universities (University of Geneva, Headquarters of the OESO Foundation) – Stanford University), with the development of a program of multidisciplinary, theoretical and practical education.
  • The anticipated result is the setting up of an international platform for interactive exchanges between clinicians, researchers, and engineers, providing high level qualified training and expertise in Esophagology,
  • with certification and potential labeling of Institutions offering the highest quality clinical care in esophagology.


The focus on Esophagology has led OESO, since its founding, to set a standard of innovation that goes far beyond the esophagus, and the concept developed by OESO can be applicable to other areas of Medicine.

The primary interest of what is being built in this international, multi-disciplinary platform lies in its innovative approach to expand knowledge across the disciplines related to one organ, and to share this knowledge in a way that will ultimately benefit patients.




Criteria for Centers to be OESO certified


  • Active, multidisciplinary education in areas of upper digestive tract

- Clinical practice

- Basic sciences

  • Approach to MIS (Minimally Invasive Surgery)
  • Practice of surgical endoscopy
  • Course facilities
  • English as sole language used in the courses
  • Publications in scientific journals




Role of the OESO Centers of Excellence in Esophagology

integrated in the OESO network


CME - Exchange of Fellows / Trainees/ Heads of Depts – Sharing of Knowledge – Second opinion


  • To participate (on-site or at a distance), in the meetings of the Platform devoted to,
  • the organization of the scientific programs,
  • the prospects offered by new technologies for the expansion of multi-disciplinary Esophagology in the fields  of diagnosis and treatments.


  • To contribute to the activities of OESO,
  • Providing one yearly didactic clinical case, to be discussed on the OESO website,
  • Participating in the network of second opinion,
  • Promoting expansion of multidisciplinary Esophagology in the country of the Pilot Center (Guidelines, Registries, Evidence generation).


  • To accept Fellows, integrated in the activity of the Center, encouraging exchanges of
    Fellows/Trainees/Heads of Departments and Staff members
    with other Pilot Centers.
    The fellowships can be of two sorts:
    - Basic Fellowship, with a 2 week rotation in the various departments of the Center,
    - Advanced Fellowship for a one year duration, to generate sub-specialists in esophageal disease.


  • To organize courses each year in the Pilot Center, with a multidisciplinary, two-day program, left up to the initiative of each team.
    These courses are intended for participants coming, either from the Pilot Center country, or from any other country of the network. The number of participants will not be limited, although a very small number (up to 5-6) is a guarantee of exchanges of particular interest for those who will attend. The fee will be decided by the Center. The level of the yearly courses will be determined by each Pilot Center, at Trainee or Fellow level.
  • A particular emphasis will be however given, among all specialties considered in the course, to "the" previously agreed upon area as the one characteristic of the Center.
  • Several possible dates for these courses should be submitted to OESO by each Center.
  • Opportunity, for a given Pilot Center,  to make up a Review Article on the subject of a training course, to be submitted for publication in a special issue of the NYAS.


  • To contribute once a year, with one or several members of the Pilot Center,  to a two-day multidisciplinary OESO – STANFORD Medicine educational program organized by: OESO
  • The OESO Foundation in Geneva,
  • The Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE in Palo Alto.

These programs will be made up from the proposals for topics/speakers sent by the Pilot Centers, and selected by OESO – Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE.      

  • Every two years, the program of the OESO World Conference will comprise one or several sessions devoted to the work of the Pilot Centers in the field of Continuing Medical Education.



  • Capacity building and Accreditation


  • A document of Certification of Attendance will be provided by each Center to the participants.
  • At the end of the Educational Programs held in Geneva or in Stanford, a Certificate stamped by either of the two Universities will be awarded to those having, prior to this main course, participated in two courses organized in other Centers of the network.
  • Accreditation will be requested from the EACCME
    (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education)
    Credits obtained can be converted to an equivalent number of AMA
    (American Medical Association) PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.


  • A one-year calendar will be established by OESO, in cooperation with the S-MPIRE, and sent out to the members of the Network:
  • Integration of the proposals of courses made by the Centers, taking into consideration the suggested dates given by each of them,
  • Setting up of the two, completed, educational programs to be proposed in Geneva and Stanford.




Advantages given to the OESO certified Centers of Excellence



  • Authorization to post "OESO Center of Excellence in Esophagology" and logo on the Center's website.
  • Listed on the OESO website, among the Centers having committed to the OESO Charter.
  • Space offered on the OESO website for presentation and programs of the Center.
  • As an OCEE, be a priority referral when OESO is called on by Industry to provide potential partners.
  • Be a selected destination for Fellows, Trainees, and/or Heads of Departments and Staff members.
  • Priority access to potential funding of courses and projects of the Center by the OESO Foundation



The OESO – Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE Platform of Excellence will be of a unique scope,

considering the soundness of its basic structure, the scientific level of its inter-University

partnership, the prestige of UNESCO, the cooperation of the New York Academy of Sciences

and, above all, the shared enthusiasm of those already on board.





Multidisciplinary Platform of Esophagology


OESO Head Office

2, Bd Pershing

75017 Paris, France

Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15


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