
The following extracts are from letters received after the OESO Conferences and were chosen, among many, because of the varied status of their senders:

  • OESO Members loyal to the Organization,
  • Representatives from Institutions,
  • Young Investigators who served as "Secretary" for Plenary Sessions,
  • Attendees who participated in an OESO Conference for the first time.

There are no better means to make our daily efforts to carry the OESO Conferences through, under our original format, completely worthwhile.




" It was one of the most gratifying experiences of my career. Thank you. "

P.B. (Sacramento)



" Thank you for including me in the absolutely stellar OESO World Congress.

Good turnout, great questions, wonderful discussions, ideas, etc.

I am very glad to have attended and acquired so much useful recent information "

M.C. (Cincinnati)



" The scientific program and the unique ability to interact with interested parties from every continent set this meeting apart from others that I have attended "

 G.W.F. (Cleveland)



" The unique format really offers a unique learning experience for all.

This congress will always be remembered as one of the top meetings that I attended "

R.KM. (San Diego)



" I think that the 5 minute lectures were more informative than ever "

H. W.B. (Tampa)


" The questions are incredible and each one appears to have great basic and clinical relevance "

G.K.M.(New Delhi)



" OESO has set new standards for international expert meetings "

S.K. (Redmont)



" I always find the OESO congresses to be intellectually challenging and satisfying, and this congress lived up to my expectations. I sat in on a bunch of sessions that were overall terrific "

H.D.A. (An Arbor)



" This was the most informative and stimulating meeting I have attended "

C.L.C. (Birmingham, AL)



" The problem-based format led by international experts provides a wonderful contrast to the chaos of many other meetings "

H.C.W. (Jacksonville)



" I cannot imagine how much effort it requires to produce this program, but it is completely worthwhile. There is no other meeting like it in all of medicine "

R.P.T. (Seattle)



" This meeting went beyond the subject matter and struck a chord of humanity and collegiality that I have not yet experienced in my career "

B.A.J. (Pittsburgh)



" It was again a memorable event in terms of global reach with educational goals & objectives; its unique format of questions reaching far in to the future, but at the same time allowing experts to deliver critical assessment of the current knowledge.. An unprecedented gathering of all experts.. The young generation of clinicians as well basic/clinical science researchers has opportunity to learn and follow in footsteps of historic proportions "

J.S. (Kansas City)



" It was truly a memorable meeting, with superb scientific presentations of depth and breadth, with excellent opportunities to meet and to connect with participants from many disciplines and universities. The OESO meetings are the best meetings I have ever attended "

M.U. (Seattle)



" I received countless positive comments about the quality of the lectures "

" I was quite busy and was impressed with all the positive feedback I received from the attendees "

B.S. (Chicago)



" Thank you for your tireless work in educating others in esophageal disease.

Your ongoing efforts in creating and maintaining this conference have been a great service to those taking care of patients with esophageal disease and performing research in esophageal disorders ".

D.C. (Oakland)



" I am a Gastroenterologist from the Dominican Republic (DR). I am very interested in becoming a member of this distinguished international organization and be part of this distinctive society which has steadily continued over the years to successfully serve the advancement of the discipline of esophagology ".

  J.A. (S. Domingo)



" As I mentioned to you, I had thought that I may not attend the meeting because of my onerous travel commitments this year but I have looked at the programme and this is, without a doubt, the premier event in the Barrett’s calendar this year. Thank you for inviting me – I will be delighted to attend and participate in any way you think would be helpful ".

L.M. (Belfast)



" May I first say that I marvel at how you can put this together, and with such a fresh approach from year to year ".

B.M.H. (Charleston)



" I am very excited to accept your invitation. I will prepare the requested materials. May I ask that you send the document referred to as "The course of the scientific program"

which explains the role of the session chair. I will work with Prof P. to make a very nice session ".

M.W. (Jacksonville)



" I had thought that I may not attend the meeting because of my onerous travel commitments this year but I have looked at the programme and this is, without a doubt, the premier event in the Barrett’s calendar this year. Thank you for inviting me – I will be delighted to attend and participate in any way you think would be helpful. "

L.M. (Belfast)



" Having the premium surgical oncologists that treat this disease from around the world made the meeting particularly interesting and informative.

I plan to be an active participant in the future. "

D.I. (MSKCC, New York)



" …As usual, you put together a spectacular scientific program for Boston.

You got a lot of the giants of the esophagus to participate, and they do it because it is important to them, as it is to me.

Every OESO Congress I have attended, I have taken home with me a big bunch of new and important information which I have incorporated into my practice and into my teaching.

There is no venue like OESO that mixes so many people from so many disciplines and makes them feel welcome and important.

… I can tell you that I know of no other organization that achieves this multidisciplinary approach as does the OESO.

It has been my pleasure and privilege to work with you for the past 25 years, and even with the change in OESO, I strongly expect that we will continue to work together until one or both of us drop from overwork.

Thanks for all you have done for me and for all of us. "

H.D.A. (Ann Arbor)                          



" I want to express my gratitude for the tremendous work you and your organizing team have done in creating the last OESO conference…

The panel discussions where the 20 questions were answered were fantastic.

By granting only 5 minutes you force us to focus on a short precise review with no room for unimportant details.

Challenging for a relatively inexperienced researcher as myself but very rewarding …the discussions provided the most direct link to the clinical realities.

Your decisions of inviting young scientists to be secretaries were a novel and inspiring action.

…Also it enables younger participants to meet experts in a nice friendly atmosphere.

I hope you will keep that idea for the next conferences.

Thank you again for a great meeting, and I look forward to the next one. "

A.L.K. (Aalborg)



" I wanted to start my presentation as a new comment on this conference.

I applaud and appreciate the unique educational structure of our exchanges.

It makes for a vibrant, rich, and highly worthwhile dialogue. "

H.S. (The Harvard School of Medicine)







Comments sent to OESO following

the Conferences


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