

The Worldwide Inter-University Multidisciplinary Platform of Excellence


A fundamental step for



The OESO-SEMPIRE Platform, set up with the University of Stanford, is a unique initiative, grounded on the OESO global network of Centers of Excellence.


The multi-disciplinary activity of these Centers constitutes a key element for innovation in daily practice as well as for the development of a network of second opinion.


The goal of the Platform is to provide qualified training and expertise at the highest level in Esophagology, benefiting from the stamp of prestigious Institutions representing exceptional references in this domain.


The primary interest of what has been built in this international Platform of Excellence in Esophagology lies in its novel approach to the development and sharing of knowledge in all disciplines relevant to a single organ, the esophagus, and their wide diffusion with the purpose of serving the interest of patients.


Created for exchanges of surgeons or practitioners, whether they are experts or trainees,

the OESO-SEMPIRE Platform has been equipped from the outset with state-of-the-art facilities for effective training, theoretical and practical, in the Pilot Centers belonging to the network.


It involves recognized authorities in all the disciplines represented in OESO.


The programs are designed to encourage and maintain interactive exchanges between clinicians, researchers and technicians from the five parts of the world.


Robert Giuli                    George Triadafilopoulos

    (OESO)                                (Stanford SEMPIRE)




Multidisciplinary Platform of Esophagology


OESO Head Office

2, Bd Pershing

75017 Paris, France

Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15


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