Clinical cases are a strong basis for continuous learning and understanding of medicine.

This new initiative of OESO, launched in 2009, consists in the monthly presentation of cases, to be discussed between the case author and the members of the international scientific community.


The constant help of the HON (Health On the Net Foundation) team is key to the dissemination of information to the 11,000 members of the OESO network.

On the last Wednesday of each month, they receive by means of the OESO Newsletter
(Current Topics in Esophagology ) the elements of a chosen, anonymous patient’s file which is put up for discussion during a whole week on a special Forum organized with the University of Vienna.


This project has been successfully brought into function thanks to the efficient cooperation set up between the OESO Foundation, the University of Vienna (Prof. P. Pokieser, Dr A. Hirsch, Dr Hofmeister) and the team of HON (Dr Celia Boyer, Mr Vincent Baujard).


OESO Clinical cases discussion

Clinical Cases


  How it works


  Cases discussed



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2, Bd Pershing

75017 Paris, France

Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15


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