
Functions and privileges of the OESO-SEMPIRE Centers of Excellence in Esophagology integrated in the OESO network

Continuing Medical Education – Sharing of Knowledge – Second opinion

- On-the-move programs for Trainees /Fellows/Visiting Professors

  • To participate (on-site or at a distance), in the meetings of the Platform devoted to,

– the organization of the scientific programs,

– the prospects offered by new technologies for the expansion of multi-disciplinary

Esophagology in the fields  of diagnosis and treatments.


  • To contribute to the activities of OESO,

– Providing one yearly didactic clinical case, to be discussed on the OESO website,

– Participating in the network of second opinion,

– Promoting expansion of multidisciplinary Esophagology in the country of the Pilot Center

(Guidelines, Registries, Evidence generation).


  • To accept Fellows, integrated in the activity of the Center, encouraging exchanges of Fellows /

Trainees with other Pilot Centers.

The fellowships can be of two sorts:

Basic Fellowship, with a 2 week rotation in the various departments of the Center,

Advanced Fellowship for a one year duration, to generate sub-specialists in esophageal disease.

The maximum number of Fellows in each category will be 2.


  • Visiting Professors: the possibility offered to the Heads of Pilot Centers to benefit from direct exchanges, at the highest level, with the authorities of other Pilot Centers of the OESO-Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE network represents a particularly interesting complement to the CME capacities of the Platform of Excellence in Esophagology.
    This type of contact will allow a team leader to compare his/her experience with that of a colleague of the same level for a few days and use the result of this exchange when back to daily practice.

    The advantages of this program are numerous:
    – For the Visiting Professor:
  • Choose an OESO-SEMPIRE Pilot Center of interest to him/her,
  • Present own techniques or protocols to key persons in other continents,
  • Develop synergies, means of collaboration (clinical trials etc.),
  • Set up global research, scientific or educational programs with the chosen center,
  • Experience first hand other models of organization, research & financing in a leading university of another country.

  • Fulfil efficiently the valuable qualification of foreign experience in an application for a  professorship or leading position at universities by taking part in the OESO-SEMPIRE Visiting Professorship program.

For the Pilot Center:

  • Pilot Centers become linked to one another via their professors / team members,
  • Global transfer of technology,
  • Future exchange of Fellows / Trainees made easier by personal recommendations to the Visiting Professor,
  • Efficient use of synergies & key competences.


  • To organize courses each year in the Pilot Center, with a multidisciplinary, two-day program, left up to the initiative of each team.
    These training courses are intended for participants coming, either from the Pilot Center country, or from any other country of the network.
    Depending on the program, their number can be very small, allowing for particularly efficient interactive exchanges between clinicians, researchers and engineers, thus providing genuine, high level training on new devices and qualified expertise in esophagology.

    The level of the courses will be determined by each Pilot Center, at Trainee or Fellow level. A particular emphasis will however be given, among all specialties considered in the training course, to the one characteristic of the Center.

    The registration fee paid to participate in a course is to be decided by each Pilot Center.
  • Several possible dates for these courses should be submitted to OESO by each Center.
  • Opportunity will be given to the Pilot Centers to draw up a Review Article on the subject of a training course, to be submitted for publication in a special issue of the New York Academy of Sciences.


  • To contribute once a year, with one or several members of the Pilot Center, to a two-day multidisciplinary OESO – STANFORD educational program organized one in the Spring and one in the Fall, by:

   – OESO – The OESO Foundation in Geneva,

   – The Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE in Palo Alto.

These programs will be made up from the proposals for topics/speakers sent by the Pilot

Centers, and selected by OESO – Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE.


The activities of the Pilot Centers will be coordinated by the Advisory Board


Courses Calendar  




Multidisciplinary Platform of Esophagology


OESO Head Office

2, Bd Pershing

75017 Paris, France

Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15


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