How to make the mass of information acquired over the years by OESO available to each one?

It is the role of the OESO Foundation, which renders tangible, and directly useful in daily practice, the very specific achievement of OESO's network of excellence bringing together, in 19 disciplines, prominent representatives of Gastroenrerology from the world over.

The interest UNESCO has shown in the projects of OESO has been explicitly motivated by its innovative character and, in particular, by the opportunity made available to populations of developing countries to become effectively involved in the network, and to have access to a virtual library or to international discussion forums.


The OESO Foundation (Health Operating Polydisciplinary Expertise Services, HOPES) is built on the collaborative previous working experience of over 30 years acquired through OESO, in which multidisciplinary skills, at the highest international level, were combined to focus on a single organ, the esophagus.


The OESO Foundation aims to foster research and development in the field of digestive diseases.


To reach its objective, its mission will be, in particular through the OESO Association:

  • To assemble a network of clinicians, as well as researchers from all countries of the world, belonging to all disciplines relative to diseases of the upper digestive tract.
  • To organize congresses, courses, or seminars in the field of digestive health.
  • To develop the activities of the Inter-University Platform of Esophagology bringing together Pilot Centers of Excellence in multi-disciplinary Esophagology, members of the OESO international network.
  • To favor access to this international multidisciplinary network of excellence for Education, information, diagnosis or assistance in treatment, and develop networks of second opinion.
  • To set up and co-ordinate educational programs, multi-centric, multidisciplinary, cooperative studies oriented towards clinical or fundamental research,
  • To cooperate with all organizations and scientific societies in the undertaking of multi-center studies and/or in conception of educational programs.
  • To allow access to a professional multi-media base of medical data, made up of validated contributions of members of the various Scientific Societies contributing to the network. The data base will undergo continuous enrichment.
  • To publish, in the field of digestive health, books, brochures or articles scientifically validated beforehand by a Scientific Committee and disseminated through current electronic technologies.
  • To cooperate with Governmental or non-Governmental Organizations for educational missions and implementation of training centers in developing countries.
  • To allow access to the General Public to part of a knowledge base, with the guarantee of having validated scientific content at their disposal.










OESO Head Office

2, Bd Pershing

75017 Paris, France

Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15


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