
Training and Educational courses

of the OESO-Stanford SEMPIRE

Multidisciplinary Platform of Esophagology


Calendar 2019

Training course


Educational course

Melbourne (Matthew Read) 
August 6-10, 2019
Multidisciplinary course on Esophagology

> Announcement

> Program     
Registration form       
> Information



Educational course
in conjunction with the Platform of Esophagology

April 12-13, 2019 (2d)
2019 Updates on Esophageal Disease
The World Organization for Specialized Studies on Diseases
of the Esophagus (OESO) has endorsed this live activity.
> Announcement
> Overview
> Program
> Registration



The programs of other Centers will be posted as the information is received.

Programs are expected from
Geneva – Milan – Rennes – Vienna.


Courses 2018


Training course

  • Geneva (Stefan Mönig – Jean-Louis Frossard)
    Multidisciplinary course on esophago-gastric
    reflux – Eso-gastric cancers
    Live operations: Robotic Toupet –
    Nissen / Laparoscopic Nissen

    (2d) December 13-14, 2018
    > Announcement and program               


Training course


Training course


Training course

  • Beijing (Jie He – You-sheng Mao)
    Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery –
    Multi-modality treatment for esophageal cancer

    (3d) October 25-26-27, 2018
    > Announcement and program                 


Training course

  • Vienna (Daniela Kandioler – Sebastian Schoppmann)
    Live demonstrations and course on reflux surgery  
    (1d) October 15, 2018
    > Announcement              





  • Training courses

A multidisciplinary, two-day program, left up to the initiative of each Pilot Center. These training courses are intended for participants coming, either from the Pilot Center country, or from any other country of the network. The fee will be decided by the Center.


Depending on the program, their number can be very small, allowing for particularly efficient interactive exchanges between clinicians, researchers and engineers, thus providing genuine, high level training on new devices and qualified expertise in esophagology.


The level of the courses will be determined by each Pilot Center, at Trainee or Fellow level. A particular emphasis will however be given, among all specialties considered in the training course, to the one characteristic of the Center.


The registration fee paid to participate in a course is to be decided by each Pilot Center.

  Blanc forms for announcement and information available for Pilot Centers here.


Several possible dates for these courses should be submitted to OESO by each Center. - Opportunity will be given to the Pilot Centers to draw up a Review Article on the subject of a training course, to be submitted for publication in a special issue of the NYAS.


A particular emphasis will be given, among all specialties considered in the training course, to "the" previously agreed upon area as the one characteristic of the Center.


You will benefit from the distinctiveness of courses allowing for particularly efficient interactive exchanges, thus providing high level training.



  • Educational courses

Contribution twice a year, with one or several members of the Pilot Center,  to a two-day

multidisciplinary OESO – STANFORD educational program organized one in Spring and one in Autumn, by:

  • OESO – The OESO Foundation in Geneva,
  • The Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE in Palo Alto.

These programs will be made up from the proposals for topics/speakers sent by the Pilot Centers, and selected by OESO – Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE.

Priority will be given to OESO Members and participants in previous training courses.


At the end of the Educational Programs held in Geneva or in Stanford, an OESO-SEMPIRE Certificate of Capacity in Esophagology will be awarded to those having, prior to the Educational Course, participated in two courses organized in other Centers of the network.


Accreditation of the courses will be requested from the EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education). Credits obtained can be converted to an equivalent number of AMA (American Medical Association) PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.


One mandatory condition: the completed file for CME request will have to be submitted, at the latest, 12 weeks before the event.


Multidisciplinary Platform of Esophagology


OESO Head Office

2, Bd Pershing

75017 Paris, France

Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15


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