Visiting Professors

Visiting Professors: the possibility offered to the Heads of Pilot Centers to benefit from direct exchanges, at the highest level, with the authorities of other Pilot Centers of the OESO-Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE network represents a particularly interesting complement to the CME capacities of the Platform of Excellence in Esophagology.
This type of contact will allow a team leader to compare his/her experience with that of a colleague of the same level for a few days and use the result of this exchange when back to daily practice.

The advantages of this program are numerous:
– For the Visiting Professor:

  • Choose an OESO-SEMPIRE Pilot Center of interest to him/her,
  • Present own techniques or protocols to key persons in other continents,
  • Develop synergies, means of collaboration (clinical trials etc.),
  • Set up global research, scientific or educational programs with the chosen center,
  • Experience first hand other models of organization, research & financing in a leading university of another country.

  • Fulfil efficiently the valuable qualification of foreign experience in an application for a  professorship or leading position at universities by taking part in the OESO-SEMPIRE Visiting Professorship program.

For the Pilot Center:

  • Pilot Centers become linked to one another via their professors / team members,
  • Global transfer of technology,
  • Future exchange of Fellows / Trainees made easier by personal recommendations to the Visiting Professor,
  • Efficient use of synergies & key competences.






Multidisciplinary Platform of Esophagology


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2, Bd Pershing

75017 Paris, France

Tel. + 33 (0)1 55 37 90 15


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